Hello! Welcome to Nora Halal Paté!
I started Nora Halal Paté as a way to share moments of happiness via delicious food that is 100% halal using only natural ingredients and produce.
I love cooking. More than that, I love cooking for others. There is nothing better than the combination of wonderful food and friends, and you’ll often find me cooking up a storm at home to host friends and loved ones.
I’m also a Muslim and a mother of 2 beautiful daughters and I’ve always been conscious of what goes into our bodies. I believe there is a world of possibilities when it comes to tasty, Halal and all-natural food we can enjoy without compromising on choice and flavour.
I first experimented with a halal chicken liver paté for my Muslim and non-Muslim guests. To my delight, they loved it. They were surprised at how tasty a homemade paté could be and mostly, that it was halal. My mind was going wild with possibilities. Which other dishes could I create halal options for? Could I open up people’s minds – especially fellow Muslims and Muslim converts – to tasty halal options they had been used to not having? I was determined to experiment further.
Today I have several varieties of spreads and I’m proud to share these jars of happiness with you. My promise? Always 100% halal, fresh and all natural ingredients. Always affordable. Always home-made. Always preservatives-free. I run everything myself from my kitchen at home, and I reply to every question, comment and order personally.
I hope you’ll find happiness in my jars.
P.S Check out our very first featured listing on the prettiest halal only directory for Muslim Foodies - Halal Ke?